Monday, February 14, 2011

Amor filial

Autor: Amado Nervo
Yo adoro a mi madre querida,
yo adoro a mi padre también;
ninguno me quiere en la vida
como ellos me saben querer.
Si duermo; ellos velan mí sueño;
si lloro, están triste los dos;
si río su rostro es risueño:
mi risa es para ellos el sol.
Me enseñan los dos con inmensa
ternura a ser humano y feliz.
mi padre para mi lucha y piensa,
mi madre ora siempre por mí.
Yo adoro a mi madre querida.
yo adoro a mi padre también;
ninguno me quiere en la vida
como ellos me saben querer.

Family Love

I adore my dear mother,
I adore my dear father too;
No one loves me as much
As they know how to love me.

When I sleep, they keep watch over me;
When I cry they are sad with me;
When I laugh they smile with me:
My laugh is the sunshine for them.

They tenderly teach me
to be happy and nice.
My father does his best for me;
My mother prays always for me.

I adore my dear mother,
I adore my dear father too.
No one loves me as much
As they know how to love me.

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